Our Studio teaches both American Smooth and Rhythm, and International Standard and Latin. American Smooth and International Standard (formerly "Modern") have some similarities in dance technique, especially at the higher levels. In deciding on which dance style is appropriate for you, check out the similarities and the differences between the two dance styles below:

American Style:

  • Allows open positions and solo actions while International style allows only figures danced in closed position. It has been suggested that American style omits the quickstep because open figures would severely limit maneuverability in this fast-paced dance.
  • Well adapted to show dancing and theatrical performances.
  • Popular in both social settings and in dance competitions in the U.S.A.
  • Somewhat limited to the U.S.A. If your primary interest is in social dancing in the Greater Rochester, NY Area, then American style will be the more common style that you will encounter.

International Style

  • Dancing is done in a closed position that provides more flexibility in maneuvering on the floor.
  • International style is danced world-wide and is the style used in International Competitions. If dancing becomes an Olympic Sport, then the dance style will be International.
  • International style is found in both social settings and in dance competitions.
  • When traveling into nearby Toronto, Canada or dancing elsewhere outside of the U.S.A, it is most likely that that you will find International Style to be more common.

Becoming a "flexible" Dancer

Obviously, for social dancing in many different places, there are advantages to learning both styles.

The dance is a poem of which each movement is a word.
-Mata Hari